Artist collaboration

Earlier in the year after appreciating each other’s artwork on social media, artist Lee Herring and myself decided to do something fun, and collaborate on a painting together. We sent emails back and forth with our ideas on how it could work, living so far apart. We used mock-ups and sample shots of previous work to stitch together how we both envisaged it looking. After not too long we came up with a plan of action and decided that I would do my half of the painting, and then ship it up north for Lee to complete his half. We’re so excited about the final piece ‘Electric London Rooftops’ as it turned out exactly how we wanted it to look. I think that this process was so valuable in learning how other artists work. By collaborating on ideas and by working together we feel we’ve created something unique and thought-provoking.
If anyone is interested in this original mixed media piece, which measures 28”x 28” and on box frame canvas, then please get in touch as it is currently on display with Cloud Gallery.